There are lots of details involved in designing and constructing a new building or adding onto an existing building. Asbestos inspections are a critical part of the construction and demolition process. As the architect, you must make sure that every part of the structure is built according to plan. You may also have to oversee the destruction of part or all of an existing building before yours goes up. That's why A Plus Asbestos Investigation Inc. performs discreet, high-end asbestos investigations. The ACP5 is critical to your design plan.
Ask about our building inspections by calling our office in Staten Island, NY now to complete your ACP5 compliance.
Even though many products containing asbestos were banned in 1987-1991, there are still some products used today that contain asbestos. Asbestos inspections are designed to detect this fibrous substance so it can be eliminated. You need an inspection prior to any: