Asbestos is a silicate mineral that is mined from the ground. It is used in building materials because it adds strength and chemical resistance. However, it can also cause serious lung damage and chronic lung disease. At A Plus Asbestos Investigation Inc., we help prevent illness with our asbestos inspection service. Our crew can locate any asbestos in your home or business in the Staten Island, NY area.
Contact our crew to set up asbestos testing for your property. We are certified to give an all clear or recommend abatement according to local codes.
If you suspect you have asbestos, it's important to have asbestos testing done. Older buildings built or renovated before 1987 and up to 1992 are the most likely to have asbestos, but any building can be affected. If testing isn't done and the asbestos fibers find their way into the air, they can cause: